Lay Out My Appeal

Need help putting it all together?

APG has professionals standing by ready to help you create your best appeal ever!

Production, design, layout, list management, segmentation, acquisition lists, USPS Authorizations and more.

3 Easy Steps

Step 1

Talk to a Specialist

Review your project, create a plan, get your appeal moving forward.

Step 2

Select a Package

Choose from a collection of packages that best fit your need and budget.

Step 3

Upload Material

Gather all your assets, data files, content and upload it with your order.

Getting Started with Fundraising Appeals

Send a Successful Appeal

Your appeal is more than the physical components. A compelling message and inviting design boost your response.

Who you mail to is the key. In house current and lapsed constituents are the best source of future donations. There is always donor attrition so keep building your base with targeted acquisition segments.

Last but certainly not least. Make sure your USPS authorization is up to date. Non profit organizations receive special postage rates from the USPS. Taking advantage of those are paramount to maximizing your ROI.

Success Begins With

Graphic 2
  • Compelling Copy
  • Engaging Imagery
  • Up to Date Mailing List
  • List Segmentation/Targeting
  • USPS NP Authorization

Whats in an Appeal?

There are four primary components to an appeal. A letter, reply device, outer envelope an reply envelope. A common addition to an appeals are inserts that provide information to educate and inform your donor.

Cover these basics and your appeal will have what it needs to do the job.


Graphic 2
  • Letter
  • Reply Device
  • Outer Envelope
  • Reply Envelope
  • Optional Insert(s)

Ready to Start

APPEALPRINTING will guide you through the layout and design process for free whether we are doing the work for you or helping you to do it yourself.

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