Upload Your Project

Step 1 - Compress Your Files

Collect all your files and into a single zipped file.

Zip (compress) files or a folder

  1. Collect all your files into a single folder.
  2. Use a descritpive name. EX: Pet Rescue EOY2020
  3. Right-click the file or folder want to compress,
    select "Send to", and then select "Compressed (zipped) folder".*
  4. Your zipped file will be created.
  5. Select to upload with your project.

*Your zipped file will be named after the folder you compressed.

Zip (compress) files or a folder

  1. Collect all your files into a single folder.
  2. Use a descritpive name. EX: Pet Rescue EOY2020
  3. Right-click the file or folder want to compress,
    select "Compress (Folder Name)".*
  4. Your zipped file will be created.
  5. Select to upload with your project.

*Your zipped file will be named after the folder you compressed.

Step 2 - Name and Upload

  • Use the "Project Name" Field
  • Enter a descritpive name.
    EX: Pet Rescue EOY2020

Upload Your File

  • Click "Select File" Button
  • Find and Select your zipped file.
  • Upload another file with "Add More +" Button

Files Not Ready - Upload them Later

  • Click Select "Upload Artwork Later" Button
  • Continue with your order

Step 3 - Proceed to Review

Select File
Drag a file OR
